Let’s Go (So We Can Get Back)
Let’s Go (So We Can Get Back) —Jeff Tweedy
I will say this as we walk out the door with my family and feels very true to what we have been doing for the past 16 months. We remained distant from family and friends so that someday we could “get back.” Well, friends, we did it.
June 6 we’re back to in-person services and we couldn’t be more ecstatic. We will sing, celebrate, clink some mugs and laugh.
We will start with no Neighborhood Kids as we continue to rebuild the team of volunteers it requires to make it all run safely and smoothly. However, your kids are welcome to join us in the service until June 27.
We also upped our camera game so we can continue to offer a positive experience online to all our friends watching from Iowa, their cabins, Canada, and all the wild spaces you will find yourself this summer.
Can’t wait to see your faces friends,