Sustaining Membership
Sustaining members are people who find inspiration in this community and want to ensure others have access to what Neighborhood has to offer. Sustaining members commit to give financially to Neighborhood on a consistent basis and amount. It can be $30 a month to 10% of every paycheck, the amount is not our highest goal. We have found a much richer experience in helping people clarify what they can contribute vs what someone has insinuated they “should.” With knowing how much each person is committing to give, we can then set up a reasonable and responsible budget to continue to the work we are doing and know when to activate those other dreams we’re hoping to enact in the future.
We understand that there’s all sorts of feels around church and money. We’re here to help influence that toxic narrative and help people reimagine what a generous life could look like, minus the baggage and shame.
Use the Online Giving Form to set the amount and frequency of your gift.